mother on the edge

a resource for families around the Cerritos, CA area, hopefully…


Helloooooo out there….welcome to my little blog.  Starting this blog has been a very surreal experience for me.  My name is Florence and I decided to embark on this blog writing journey because when I became a parent for the first time, I could not find any information on activities in and around the Cerritos area.  Most of the information online focused on either the West L.A. area or Orange county area.  That’s also why my blog is named Mother on the Edge–because I’m right on the edge of Los Angeles County and Orange County…and also because I’m ready to go over the edge at any second running after my two kids.

After my son started school is when I discovered the greatest resource of all–other parents!  All of these wonderful parents who I have had the pleasure of meeting have shared so much information with me and I would love to pass this information on in the hopes of making life just a little easier for someone else.  I would love it to become a community forum for parents someday. Please feel free to share your input, suggestions, or anything else.  Thank you so much for visiting!


p.s.  If you have any tips and/or suggestions, please feel free to leave a note or email me at  You will not be spammed and I will be so very grateful.  Thank you!!!

14 responses to “About

  1. Liza says:

    I love the catchy name.

  2. Erica says:

    Florence, this is such a great idea!!! Daniel will soon be able to start activities again and you are the first person I thought of as a resource to find out what activities are out there! I will definitely be following your blog! 😉
    Thanks, Erica

  3. Gaby says:

    I’m looking forward to more post!

  4. Maricel says:

    Great blog Florence! I’m sooo not technically savvy. I don’t even know how to start a blog! How bad am I?! Ha! But I like what you have to say =)

  5. Yuri Chung says:

    Great suggestions about things to do! Thank you!

  6. Matt says:

    I think your blog is great! Thanks for your interest in by the way 🙂 I’m an elementary substitute teacher in Los Angeles, and my comics are all based on real things kids say in school. I think your audience would really like my comics. I would love if you would re-blog or share my stuff if that’s something you’d be interested in doing. Thank you!!

    • motheronedge says:

      Awesome! I’ll be happy to. I’ll even provide some material for you from my own little monsters if you want.

      • Matt says:

        New material is always welcome! Thank you 🙂

      • motheronedge says:

        Hi Matt, I’m not sure if this will translate into a comic but here’s a funny story: when my son was in preschool, his teacher was african american. He told me on Friday that the school was going to be closed because his teacher had to go see her doctor, Dr. King (MLK because it was MLK day). I thought that was pretty funny.

      • Matt says:

        that is pretty funny… lemme think about how to make it work! thanks!!

  7. Dj's Mom says:

    I am definately following you!!! Wish I would have found you a long time ago….little boy is going to turn 7!!! I will share your info with every parent I know! We are also “living on the edge”…love that you put a nice phrase to it!

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